A bit about yours truly…

Here’s how I’d sum it up: I am a thinker, writer, teacher, and bridge builder.

I love to explore game-changing ideas in leadership, relationships, health, personal growth, and spirituality - especially in the areas of Jewish-Christian relations, education, and bridge-building.

I write books, speak and teach, send a weekly “Game Changers Email,” and help organizations grow.

Roswell, Georgia, just north of Atlanta, is home for me and my wife Kara. We love time with our family, Braves baseball, the North Georgia mountains, and life close to the Chattahoochee.

My journey includes various stops that have prepared me for what I’m doing today. I’ve been a public school teacher, a college baseball coach, a marketing and public relations director, and a leader in Jewish-Christian education and relations,

Here’s something that my personal life and professional endeavors have made clear: Attention and Time are limited. How we spend both makes all the difference. I’m dedicated to helping you focus on ideas that will help you live better and become a game-changer. Right where you are.